"Start to Innovate" team
Members of the conference organising committee
  • Marina Mashkova

    Chairman of the Organising Committee
    • Headmaster of ANEO “Kapitza Phystech Lyceum”
    • Honoured Worker of Education of the Moscow Region (2019)
    • Decoration ‘For Merit to Moscow Region’ III degree (2019)
    • Honorary certificate of the Ministry of Education of Moscow Region (2018)
    • Title ‘Honoured Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation’ (2002)
  • Konstantin Novoselov

    Co-chairman of the organising committee
    • Winner of the Nobel Prize winner in Physics (2010)
    • Medal of the American Carbon Society
    • Dalton Medal (2016)
    • Onsager Medal (2014)
    • Leverhulme Medal (2013)
    • Knight Bachelor of Science (2012)
    • Europhysics Prize (2008)
    • MIT Technology Review's TR35 (2008)
    • Nicholas Kurti European Science Prize (2007)
  • Artem Voronov

    Co-chairman of the organising committee
    • PhD in Physics and Mathematics
    • Headmaster of Federal Correspondence Physics and Technology School at MIPT
    • Vice-rector for academic affairs and pre-university training
    • Member of the Department of General Physics at MIPT
  • Leonid Koldunov

    Deputy Chairman of the Organising Committee
    • PhD in Physics and Mathematics
    • Deputy Dean of FGAP for Educational Work

  • Yury Alasheev

    Member of the organising committee
    • Director of the Centre for Strategic Development of MIPT
    • Supervisory Board Member of the Kapitsa Phystech Lyceum
    • Founder of TealTech
    • Chairman of the Board of Directors of Agama
  • Andrey Ivashchenko

    Member of the organising committee
    • Doctor of Technical Sciences
    • Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences
    • Head of the Department of Innovative Pharmaceutics, Medical Technology and Biotechnology at MIPT
    • Professor Emeritus at MIPT
  • Andrey Krivenko

    Member of the organising committee
    • Graduate of MIPT (1999)
    • Founder and co-owner of the Vkusvill retail chain
    • Founder of the TealTech Capital fund

  • Andrey Gavrikov

    Member of the organising committee
    • Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor
    • Lecturer, Department of General Physics

  • Olga Broslavskaya

    Member of the organising committee
    • Honoured Teacher of the Russian Federation
    • Excellent worker of public education
    • Winner of Russia’s Best Teachers competition under the Priority National Project ‘Education’
  • Andrey Seitov

    Member of the organising committee
    • Honoured Teacher of the Russian Federation
    • Nine times Laureate of Zimin All-Russian physics and maths teachers competition in the nomination ‘Future scientists’ mentor’
  • Oksana Ryabinina

    Member of the organising committee
    • Graduate of Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1995, speciality ‘Chemist’.
    • Major in Chemistry
  • Andrey Bogdanov

    Member of the organising committee
    • Executive Director of the Phystech-schools development fund
    • Bachelor’s graduate of FPEP (2018) and master’s graduate of FAMI (2020)

Methodological Committee

  • Elena Salnikova

    Chief Methodologist, Deputy Director
    P.L. Kapitsa ANOEO Fiztech-Lyceum
    • PhD in Biology

  • Ivan Kochetov

    Head of TechPred at Kapitsa Technopark

    • Researcher at the Department of Physical Chemistry, MISIS University of Science and Technology
    • Winner of UMNIK and START-1 grants from the Innovation Promotion Foundation
  • Viktor Morozov

    Head of Engineering Project,
    ANEO “Kapitza Phystech Lyceum”
    • Head of MechTech at Kapitza Phystech Lyceum Technopark
  • Daria Smirnova

    Head of ‘Research Project’,
    ANEO “Kapitza Phystech Lyceum”
    • Biology teacher at ANEO “Kapitza Phystech Lyceum”
    • Researcher at Timofeev breeding station
Co-organisers, Phystech-Schools Development Foundation
  • Anastasia Obukhova

    Project supervisor from the Phystech Schools Development Fund
Supported by
ANEO “Kapitza Phystech Lyceum” of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT)
Phystech-schools development foundation
ANEO “Kapitza Phystech Lyceum” of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT)
Phystech-schools development foundation